The Glossary of Poker Terms


When playing poker, you can use several terms to describe your actions. For example, a complete play means calling in the small blind when faced with an open limp. A continuation bet means betting in position after you have been the last aggressor on the previous street. A quad is a common nickname for four of a kind, or the “Quads.” In split pot games, you must qualify for low hand, which means having five cards of a lower rank than the dealer’s.

Poker has many variations, but the fundamentals of each game remain the same. The first is that every player has five cards, called a “hand.” The value of the hand is inversely proportional to its mathematical frequency. In addition, players can bet on which hand they think is the best, or bluff, by betting that they have the best hand. If they are right, they win the pot. Otherwise, they must lose.

The minimum bet in a poker game is known as the “minimum bet,” which is the smallest bet required to continue the round. To check the pot, players can check it during the betting round and must “call” a new raise to move on. A full list of legal poker actions is available in the glossary entry. The following table highlights some of the most common terms. If you are new to poker, check the glossary for a full description of terms and meanings.

In some poker games, you must place a minimum ante, or the smallest amount of cash you can afford to lose before the hand is dealt. Other terms you might hear about include “all-in” and “small blind”. These are terms used to describe situations in which a player tries to hide a poor hand from other players by pushing all of their chips or cash into the pot. In some games, players can use a blind, which is the minimum bet in the game.

There are many rules that govern the betting in poker. The first betting interval begins with a player’s bet, or ante. Each player must contribute an equal amount of chips to the pot before he can start betting. The second betting interval is known as the “showdown”.

A player can double or lower their stake only if the pot is large enough. After three or four raises, the stake becomes too large and the player may be forced to leave due to lack of funds. For this reason, the house has historically limited the number of raises in poker. While doubling the stake is not a common practice, many players find it useful. This method is known as “dropping” or “folding” his hand.

Once all of the players have made their bets, the game will go back to dealing. The betting continues until the player with the best hand wins the pot. There are usually several betting intervals during a poker game. Each betting interval ends with the “showdown.” At the end of the game, the highest-ranking hand wins the pot. However, some games have many rounds before the showdown. It depends on the game’s rules and how you play it.